Mystery Shopping takes the guesswork out of how employees are faring in customer service.

  • Business Depends on Repeat Customers

    Satisfied customers will return to do business with you time and again. They will also recommend you to friends and family.

  • Objective and quantifiable data

    Measures specific employee actions and behaviors. Clients have access to several graphs and charts to track progress over time.

  • A bona fide and recognized public opinion survey methodology

    Mystery shopping provides independent, impartial feedback about service and product quality from the customerʼs point of view. 

  • Keep your customers happy

    Mystery shopping provides the necessary data to improve customer satisfaction – leading to more revenue.

Consumer Service Analysis has a team of mystery shoppers who take seriously the role of providing the feedback necessary to measure customer service. We work with companies to help identify acceptable standards of behavior, then create a survey instrument to measure employee compliance to these standards.


If you have an eye for details, like to shop, can follow simple directions, and can adhere to deadlines, you may be the perfect mystery shopper. The Consumer Service Analysis mystery shopping team is filled with ordinary people just like you. Use the links below to find out more about being a mystery shopper and how it can supplement your income.